Sexual Violence and Prevention

January 6, 2021
Preventionist Deb Bonner discusses exactly what sexual violence is and some of the best primary preventive practices with Dr. Elizabeth L. Jeglic. Dr. Jeglic is a clinical psychologist and expert in sexual violence prevention. She is also a Professor of Psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. And if that isn’t enough Dr. Jeglic is also the author of Protecting Your Child From Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence. She is an Associate Editor of the Journal Sexual Abuse and blogs for Psychology Today on sexual violence prevention.
Topics Covered include:
  • What constitutes sexual violence and abuse.
  • What evidenced based prevention means and why is it so important that evidence-based programs are used in sexual violence prevention efforts.
  • How Bystander Intervention works particularly as it expands across the socio ecological model.
  • How certain social negative social norms exacerbate the sexual violence problem and what to do about them.
  • Creating safe spaces on campuses.
  • Creating a culture of consent.

Sources: Elizabeth L Jeglic PH.D.